Billing and Payment



Room and Board

Room and board is charged at full rate during the first day of confinement regardless of the time the patient is admitted. Upon discharge, a patient is billed half (1/2) day if discharged after 11:00 AM but before 5:00 PM and a full (1) day if discharged after 5:00 PM.

Other Charges

Pharmacy and medical supplies used and procedures performed are itemized in the statement of account on a daily basis.

Special Packages

Executive Check-Up (ECU) – Various wellness programs are designed to provide a baseline measure of a patient's health. The patient may select one program that will focus only on a particular health issue he is most concerned about.

Cardiac Surgery Packages are offered to patients who will undergo open heart surgeries. These are also designed to offer affordable and competitive surgery prices to patients. As packages, these come in fixed rates but are subject to certain limitations on coverage and manner of payment.

Receipt of Statement of Account/Updates of Bill During Confinement

Patients are encouraged to review their statement of account on a regular basis prior to discharge. The statement of account contains details of the charges to the patient on room and board, medicines and supplies used and procedures performed.


Private Paying Patients

Patients without insurance will be requested to make an initial payment upon admission. The In-House Collection Office will request for additional payments during confinement and full payment upon discharge.

HMOs and Corporate Accounts

A Letter of Authorization (LOA) from accredited companies and Health Maintenance Organizations (HMOs) should be submitted upon admission to avoid initial request for payments. Should the Letter of Authorization indicate a maximum coverage limit, the excess of the limit will be paid by the patient during confinement or prior to his discharge from the hospital. The Billing Help Desk Office and In-House Collection Office will assist all patients in coordinating with HMOs and Corporations for the letter of guarantee and additional documentation requirements.

Manner of Payment

The hospital accepts only cash or credit cards for payments. Personal checks may be accepted only for initial payments or payment of progress bills during confinement. Patients without companions may seek the assistance of the hospital staff if they need to go to the bank for their funds requirements.


PhilHealth deductions will be reflected on the final hospital bill of the patient as long as the necessary supporting documents required by PhilHealth are submitted prior to discharge. PhilHealth forms may be secured from the Admission Office, In-House Collection Office or at the Billing Office. Please refer to the detailed PhilHealth guidelines provided to the patient upon admission.